30 Responses to “Review: Cloverfield (2008)”

  1. Branden says:

    No offensive, Heather, but I was unimpressed with Cloverfield. I guess because the hype with deafening when the movie was released that when I saw it on DVD, I thought was amateurish. I love Lizzy Caplan. She is my girl. I had to question her participation in this movie.

    • Heather says:

      I don’t think it was a movie for everybody, but I personally really appreciated what it attempted to do, and taking a step back from the overindulgence of effects these days was a breath of fresh air, especially when we did get the effects overload, it was appreciated.

      • WHAT???!!! 4 stars!!!
        Kai B. Parker recently posted..THE HAPPY 101 AWARD

        • Castor says:

          One of the few movies that actually somewhat scared me. Not really in terms of “Oh shit, I won’t be able to fall asleep tonight” but in the way of “what would I do in the same situation”
          Castor recently posted..

  2. CMrok93 says:

    I still don’t know if I want to, or if I want to see this. I loved Quarantine while every one else hated it, so I think like many of these cam recorded films.

    • Heather says:

      Give it a chance, it’ll be worth your time, I assure you.

    • Red says:

      Quick question, have you watched (REC)? Just would like to get another comparison between the two movies. I loved (REC), so I’m hesitant to watch the American remake.

      • Heather says:

        Nope, I sure haven’t,but I’ve had it highly recommended.

  3. One of my favorite movies from the 2000′s. I’m crossing my fingers for sequels, it’s about time America got its own monster again.

    • Heather says:

      I’m with you Jon. I’d actually like to see what happened after but the mystery behind it all still drives me bonkers! And I love it.

  4. Aiden R. says:

    Damn, I need to see this again.

    • Heather says:

      I do too. Posting this and all this discussion is reminding me how badly I do actually need to see it.

    Did you catch the monster falling from the sky in the background at the end… er… beginning… beginning footage shown at the end?
    This is also the greatest trailer ever… I know it didn’t make your list but it’s making mine!
    PS… People who get motion sick because of films like this and anything Greengrass shoots should just stab their eyeballs with pencils and stop watching films altogether… I understand it can be jarring but quit complaining… the films are still AWESOME!!!

    • Heather says:

      Nope I didn’t. I guess I’ll have to watch it again.

      It was a great trailer. Not going to argue there.

      And frankly I get annoyed to the complaining about that stuff as well, the shaky cam and whatnot. It doesn’t always work, but the intention behind does add to the experience.

      • Watch the scene at the end, after they blow up [spoiler alert]… it cuts back to the older footage and they’re on the Ferris Wheel… in the distance, you will see something fall from the sky and land in the ocean. I missed it the first time and went back and it was AWESOME!!!

        • Heather says:

          Oh gosh. I really do need to see it again.

  6. Oh, and Lizzy Caplan is hot!

    • Heather says:

      Yes, oh yes, she is.

  7. Spot on review there, I thought this film was great – much better than the low bar I’d set it. Watched it with 5.1 surround sound on and the full effect is amazing. Every speaker is churning out scuttles, scratches screaming and perilous building noises! I guess there was a MASSIVE hype when it was released but I just sat down expecting a high-budget, no-heart flick.

    Great film.


    • Heather says:

      I was so excited to see it via the whole mystery behind it, and while I hoped I didn’t think it would live up to my expectations and it did! And even with the hype and backlash, I still loved it afterwards and highly recommend it today.

  8. Red says:

    While this movie was just okay watching it at home, it is right up there with 300 and LoTR as one of my favorite theatrical experiences of the past decade.

    • Heather says:

      Gotta agree with you there. I have less DVD motivation for it, but it was incredible in the theater.

  9. Castor says:

    One of the best movie experience in “recent” memory, it had such a great atmosphere I was still being a bit creeped out thinking about the monster days afterward. A sign of a good movie! The characters themselves were a bit lame but I sort of tuned that out and focus on the first-person experience. Excellent review Heather :)

    • Heather says:

      Thanks Castor. I know what you mean about it lingering the next day. I’ll always note a great movie going experience by the after effects. Sometimes those aftershocks are more powerful than anything. Just an awesome movie.

  10. Marc says:

    I really really liked this movie! I wasn’t expecting it to be that good. At the time I didn’t know who J.J. Abrams was (yes, I was living in a hole in the ground void of TV) but damn this was impressive. Funny that, similar to the story, I too had a friend named Rob who was leaving for Japan right about the time this movie came out.

    Also I love the idea that the monster is not necessarily a “destructive just for the hell of it” monster, but a baby looking for it’s mother. Great concept and think of how big the parents must be:P

    • Heather says:


  11. Dan says:

    I have a love/hate relationship with these movies. Cloverfield falls into the latter. I saw [Rec] and Cloverfield at around the same time even though they weren’t released remotely near to each other. [Rec] worked for me – it was well made, good premise, well executed, scary. Crucially, it felt authentic. That’s what made Blair Witch so great too.

    Cloverfield was made using a digital handheld camera but felt like a £100m blockbuster! The camera found the action at just the right time, the shots were perfectly choreographed, the acting hammy, and the special effects were almost too good. Great trailer, bad film.

    • Heather says:

      Awesome trailer, and I have the feeling I may not have loved the film as much if my first viewing hadn’t been a theater experience.

      I need to see Rec. This is getting embarassing.

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