12 Responses to “Queued Up: New DVD Releases”

  1. Andy says:

    My thoughts on your picks:

    Invictus: Good but not great, worth a look on DVD.

    Unthinkable: Never heard of it.

    Valentines Day: Did nothing for me but Anne Hathawayis always worth watching.

    Youth In Revolt: Great fun I really enjoyed this one.

    The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo: Great film, the second best film I have seen this year and the book is even better!

    • Jim says:

      Andy, I am certain you will like Unthinkable. I recommend you go to your local Redbox and rent it now.

      • Andy says:

        We don’t have Redbox over here, I have just added it to my Lovefilm (UK equivalent to netflix) queue, it says it isn’t out until October, hope it’s worth the wait.

  2. Red says:

    Yeah, I’ve had the same dvds from Netflix from the beginning of the year…yeah..i know….crazy, right? Although instant streaming does help soften that blow quite a bit.

    I wasn’t a big fan of Invictus. I thought Eastwood played it extremely safe and I found myself to be very bored.

    I can’t wait to check out The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo, though. Just seems like it would fit me perfectly. Was kinda upset that they are already making an American remake (ala Let the Right One In), but the fact that Fincher is doing it certainly relaxes me for the most part.
    Red recently posted..

    • Jim says:

      I know, when I heard of the American remake I was like okay. Then I saw the original and was like NO WAY. But I do agree knowing that Fincher is involved does make it easier to swallow. This is not as bad as when I heard that Will Smith was involved in an American version of Old Boy.

  3. I just caught a preview of Unthinkable and it looked kinda cool!
    Kai B. Parker recently posted..IT’S ALL ABOUT MEME

    • Jim says:

      Trust me Kai it is very cool.

  4. CMrok93 says:

    It seems like almost every single one of these filmsare going to be streaming by one point or another.

    • Jim says:

      I have noticed that more movies are offered streaming lately. I hope the list continues to grow.

  5. Invictus just bores me, BORE BORE BORE. You’d Freeman as Mandela would be inspired but it’s just all really trite (oddly I find Damon the strongest, and he’s not that good).

  6. Peter says:

    Just watched Invictus yesterday and was so impressed by it. Gotta put a posting on it today. Wish I had seen it in the theatre…..

  7. I’m contemplating renting Youth in Revolt, but Cera just seems like a second tier Paul Dano to me.
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