17 Responses to “Review: Vampires Suck (2010)”

  1. Peter E. says:

    OUCH!!! I’m so glad I read this because I am not at all into the whole vampire thing and was gonna catch this on DVD or something just for a few laughs. So thanks…I owe you 90 minutes of my precious time…

    • Just seeing those directors’ names should be an automatic deterrent for anyone with a brain or a like of not being in pain.

  2. Heather says:

    I saw Meet The Spartans which was truly one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life. I’ve seen a handful of others, such as Not Another Teen Date Scary Movie, etc, but I just can’t bring myself to suffer the same masochism you have opted to in this one.

    Frankly I have seen a good parody since Men In Tights.

    My seven year old son said after viewing the commercial, “Vampires think human heads are sandwiches.” This observation is strangely poignant. No worries about me avoiding, I can only hope this is the last of these crap parodies for awhile.
    Heather recently posted..Review- Scott Pilgrim Vs The World 2010 – Jon’s Take

    • Josh Tyler at Cinema Blend brought up an excellent point too: vampires drink BLOOD, why would they think of a sandwich when hungry? Not only has this joke been played out over DECADES, but it was also illogical and lazy.

      • Heather says:

        Yeah when a seven year old questions it’s logic, clearly you aren’t succeeding at making your point! He was completely confused for a moment, and then shortly after burst into laughter, because a seven year old thinks everything is funny, and even he thought it was initially dumb.

  3. The one thing that kept me laughing when I saw this was the main actress’s SPOT ON impersonation of Kristin Stewart’s performances in Twilight. I think if they had just made film reels with “Becca” imitating “Bella,” it would have been worth my $7.50. As it was, however, I probably shouldn’t have watched Young Frankenstein two days before seeing this movie, as now I’m just depressed about the decline in the quality of parodies today.
    The Movie Mistress recently posted..Up On the Horizon

    • That girl gets a pass. That was a great impersonation. Hopefully, she won’t get stuck doing a bunch of these movies Matt Lanter-style because she may actually have talent (Lanter isn’t even horrible either, it’s just his agent).

  4. Fitz says:

    I would like to see this movies (calling them movies is a compliment) disappear entirely.
    Fitz recently posted..

  5. CMrok93 says:

    This movie looked terrible right from the original idea. First Disaster Movie, and now Vampires Suck, I think these guys are starting to know just how bad they really are, I mean, hey, look at the titles. You had me laughing on the Cheetos jokes, lol good one, but that is how the jokes are that’s the sad thing.
    CMrok93 recently posted..Fever Pitch 2005

    • Jim says:

      I like Ken Jeong, its a shame he’s starring in this. He could be doing so much better.

      • See, I disagree. Jeong was funny in Knocked Up, but since then, has played nothing but obnoxious and unfunny characters. Or has been in movies I wouldn’t go near (Furry Vengeance). I hear he’s okay in Community, and I respect the guy for wanting to work, but…ugh.

        It’s a do nothing part anyway, it’s like the original guy got sick and he was just visiting friends on set, so they threw him in last minute.

  6. Kwame Kilpatrick says:

    I’ll leave the parody movies to the Wayans brothers. They know how to do them right.

    I’m Gonna Git You Sucka, Scary Movie, Don’t Be a Meance to South Central..

    • Even Dance Movie wasn’t bad, and it was done by the next generations of the Wayans. At least they include actual jokes.

      • Heather says:

        They do at least include funny moments to make up for the ones that insight eye rolling!

  7. These spoofs are maddening. They set out trying to mock something and in the end I can’t take them even at that. Whatever happened to smart satire?

    • Jim says:

      I agree, these films have not been done well since the Zuckers did Airplane and Naked Gun.

    • Heather says:

      Because it’s basically no better than adolescent insults. It requires no intelligence, and truly no humor. My five year old is more witty. But it’s a quick buck so they keep making them.

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