5 Responses to “Stephen King’s Bag of Bones”

  1. ThereWolf says:

    Though I’ve read ‘Bag Of Bones’ I cannot remember anything about the story. Can’t have been one of my favourites!

    No, Garris has never nailed a King adaption has he. Speaking of Nicholson in ‘The Shining’… See, he was fun to watch but I never thought ‘Jack’ was on a descent with that portrayal; he seemed crazy even at the interview stage!

    Nice write-up, Seth.
    ThereWolf recently posted..Just Pillow Talk v Marvel Comics Number 8: Man-Thing

    • Seth says:

      Thanks Wolf! The book is a good read, but the movie does’t do it any justice.
      Jack in Shining was good for that film, but the film isnt a real representation of the book

  2. xiphos says:

    sounds like a giant bag of suck, I’ll pass thanks.