8 Responses to “Review: Centurion (2010)”

  1. Jim says:

    I think I will like this much better than his last films. I hated Doomsday because the story has been done so many times and even better. I am happy that Michael Fassbender is in this!

    • The Descent and Dog Soldiers are perfect!
      Kai B. Parker recently posted..MY MOVIE PITCH

  2. Rodney says:

    Loved Dog Soldiers, was astonished at The Descent, and felt a bit middling about Doomsday. Can’t wait to see this film, though. Trailer looked awesome!!!
    Rodney recently posted..Burning Bright – Trailer

  3. Andrew says:

    I don’t necessarily agree that the film runs out of steam as much as it breaks the tension once Quintus and his men meet Arianne, but that’s a major character moment for both she and Quintus which continues the movie’s through-line about who really fights wars and for whom wars are fought. Marshal seems less interested in the bonds formed in wartime– though that theme does come up, likely because it’s something that’s just inherent to the spirit of the genre– and a lot more interested in examining the consequences of war as engineered by the politicians and cultural leaders who incite and perpetuate them. There’s a lot of political allegory here. Interesting that there’s such a bigger picture in the movie’s subtext when the movie itself feels so small-scale and intimate.

  4. Andy says:

    Glad someone else liked it I thought I was the only one. Like Andrew above I don’t think it ran out of steam. I found the ending predictable but in keeping with the rest of the movie.

    Although the events in the movie are fictional there really was a 9th legion that legend suggests disappeared in Brittan. Whilst historians believe they were simply disbanded the mysterious disappearance is more fun.
    The Last Legion (crappy movie from a couple of years ago) was based on the 9th as is The Eagle aka The Eagle of the Ninth due out next year.
    Andy recently posted..Overdue Reviews

  5. Heather says:

    I don’t always like everything Neil Marshall puts out, but it’s always worth giving it a go. There is a definitely taste quality one has to have in order to appreciate the kind of film he delivers. Unlike Jim I really enjoyed Doomsday and am excited to hear such a positive reflection of this flick. As you pointed out, it is certainly flawed, but sounds more than worthy of a way to spend an afternoon. Great review again Bartleby!

  6. Fassbender star is really rising this past 18 months.
    Encore Entertainment recently posted..Movie Meme- Day 30- Saddest Death Scene

  7. k… the CG blood was horrible and the movie was just kinda boring. I’m bummed cuz I love Marshall’s first 2 films but lately… eh!
    I would like to mention HD Net. I saw this free on that channel. Once a month they show movies that have not hit theaters yet that are selling for 11 bucks on Demand. Barry Munday is next. If you have this channel, bookmark it and check out the films they show. I’ve all ready seen: Rec2, Survival of the Dead and District B13: Ultimatum… for free.
    Kai B. Parker recently posted..MY MOVIE PITCH
