11 Responses to “News: John Cusack To Play Edgar Allan Poe In ‘The Raven’”

  1. Fitz says:

    This sounds like perfect casting. And, hey, at least it isn’t 2012.
    Fitz recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      I know. I love Cusack and even dig him in dramatic roles, but 2012 was not what I’d pick as a good role for him.

  2. Jim says:

    I know this sounds weird but I actually like that movie lol only because of John Cusack. I agree though that this casting is AWESOME.

  3. Róisín says:

    I’m a bit of an Edgar Allan Poe obsessive, so I’m delighted to hear that the wait is over and there is a film being made – It was only a matter of time. He has so much material to work from. I always thought it would be an animated adaptation of one of his tales to begin with, similar to those on Youtube. And then later maybe something with more depth.
    I don’t think Cusack is the ideal choice for this role – He seems a little too young and not quite “dark” enough…I think perhaps they should have selected one of the many suitable British actors.
    I’ll definitely still be going to see this though – I’m intrigued by Cusack playing this role! And I can’t believe a film about Poe is finally in the works :) Cusacks always likeable, so this film will at least have that going for it!

    • Jim says:

      I am glad that they are making a unique film about such a unique and interesting person. This film has a lot of potential for greatness if done right and therefore production value for this film is key. Period pieces have to be done right for them to work. From the initial report it sounds like a nice story is also in place.

  4. Fitz says:

    If it’s anything like Identity meets a Poe biopic I’m there.
    Fitz recently posted..

    • Peter E. says:

      Identity was a great film that people tend to forget. Loved it!

  5. Peter E. says:

    This sounds like damn fine casting to me. I can absolutely see this. Should be a good one – and Cusack needs to get more exposure in quality films…he’s too good a talent to be used in subpar movies.

  6. painthead says:

    GOSH, i have been wondering why there hasn’t been a movie done on him just yet, but i would so see this movie, i am a faithful POE fan…since i was in 6th grade, have all his poems, stories, i love him, so this movie better be everything i expect, lol…oxoox

  7. E. Avenue says:

    They didn’t realize Christopher Walken should’ve played Poe? Are you all insane?!?
